Técnico Especialista. Servicio de Microscopía, Confocal e Imagen

jjavier.martin (
923219606 ext. 431616

Licenciado en Ciencias Biológicas en la Universidad de Salamanca (1989).

Tesis Doctoral "Análisis morfológico de las semillas mediante modelos basados en la curva cardioide".

Desde noviembre de 2003 hasta la actualidad trabajo en el Instituto de Recursos Naturales y Agrobiología de Salamanca (IRNASA).

El Servicio de Microscopia Confocal e Imagen (SMCI) del IRNASA-CSIC, al cual estoy adscrito, se encarga tanto de la gestión de los equipos y recursos de microscopía como la coordinación de las actividades de Divulgación y Cultura Científica en el IRNASA.


Cervantes E, Saadaoui E, Tocino, Á and Martín Gómez JJ. “Seed shape quantification in the model legumes: Methods and applications”. Chapter 3-1-6 in The Model Legume Medicago truncatula. Frans J. de Bruijn ed. Wiley Blackwell.

Saadaoui E, Martín Gómez JJ, ben Yahia K and Cervantes E. Seed Diversity and Germination in Spontaneous and Cultivated Populations of Nerium oleander var. Villa Romaine Grown in Tunisia. Notulae Botanicae Horti Agrobotanici 47 (1).

Cervantes E, Martín Gómez JJ, and Saadaoui E. 2018. “Metabolic Control of Seed Dormancy and Germination: New Approaches Based in Seed Shape Quantification in Desert Plants”. Chapter 12 pp. 137-146 in: Metabolic adaptations in plants during abiotic stress. Akula Ramakrisna and Sarvajeet Singh Gill eds. CRC press. Boca Raton, London, New York.

Cervantes, E and Martín Gómez, JJ. 2018. Seed shape quantification in the order Cucurbitales. Modern Phytomorphology 12.

Hannachi H., Martín Gómez, JJ; Saadaoui, E. and Cervantes E. 2017. Stone diversity in wild and cultivated olive trees (Olea europaea L.). Dendrobiology 77:19-32.

Saadaoui E, Martín Gómez JJ, Tlili N, Khaldi A and Cervantes E.2017. Effect of Climate in Seed Diversity of Wild Tunisian Rhus tripartita (Ucria) Grande. Journal of Advances in Biology & Biotechnology 13(4):1-10.

Saadaoui, E; Martín Gómez, JJ; Naziha Ghazel, Kaouther Ben Yahia, Nizar Tlili, Cervantes E. 2017. Genetic variation and seed yield in Tunisian castor bean (Ricinus communis L.). Botanical Sciences 95 (2): 271-281.

Martín Gómez, JJ; Saadaoui, E; Cervantes E. 2016. Seed Shape of Castor Bean (Ricinus communis L.) Grown in Different Regions of Tunisia. Journal of Agriculture and Ecology Research International 8 (1): 1-11.

Cervantes E, Martín Gómez JJ, Saadaoui, E. 2016.Updated methods for Seed Shape analysis. Scientifica (Hyndawi).

Saadaoui, E.; Martín, J.J.; Bouazizi, R; Romdhane, C.B.; Grira, M; Abdelkabir, S; Khouja, M.L.; Cervantes, E. Phenotypic variability and seed yield of jatropha curcas l. Introduced to Tunisia. Acta Botanica Mexicana 110: 119-134 (2015)

Martín Gómez JJ, Tocino A, Ardanuy R, de Diego JG and Cervantes E. 2014. Dynamic analysis of Arabidopsis seed shape reveals differences in cellulose mutants. Acta Physiologia Plantarum 36: 1585-1592.

Cervantes E, Martín Gómez JJ, Saadaoui, E. 2014. La Geometría de las Semillas. Investigación y Ciencia 454, 63-64:

Saadaoui E, Martín Gómez JJ, and Cervantes E. 2013. Intraspecific variability of seed morphology in Capparis spinosa L. Acta Biologica Cracoviensia (Sect Botanica) 55: 1-8.

Cervantes, E, Martín JJ, de Diego JG, Chan PK, Gresshoff P, Tocino A. 2012. Seed shape in model legumes: approximation by a cardioid reveals differences between Lotus and Medicago. Journal of Plant Physiology 169 (14): 1359-1365.

Cervantes E, Martín JJ, Ardanuy R, de Diego JG, Tocino A. 2010. Modeling the Arabidopsis seed shape by a cardioid: efficacy of the adjustment with a scale change with factor equal to the Golden Ratio and analysis of seed shape in ethylene mutants. Journal of Plant Physiology 167, 408-410.

Saadaoui, E.; Martín, J.J.; Ghazel, N.; Romdhane, C.B.; Massoudi, N.; Cervantes, E. Allelopathic Effects of Aqueous Extracts of Ricinus communis L. on the Germination of Six Cultivated Species. International Journal of Plant & Soil Science, ISSN: 2320-7035,Vol.: 7, Issue.: 4 (2015)